
GABR for Win x64

For Windows Server 2012 or above, you should use this version.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or above

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or above

Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server

Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64)

Updated - April 28, 2019

GABR for Win X64 Special

It's only for some old Windows versions, such as WinXP, Win 2003 Server etc.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or above

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for x64 or above

Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64)

Updated - April 28, 2019

GABR for Linux x64

For Redhat / CentOS 7 or Above.

Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server - How

Updated - May 21, 2019


E2E Backup & Restore

E2E (Endpoint-to-endpoint) Backup & Restore can help to backup database directly to other instance quickly.

  • Between on-premise instances, cloud instances, or mixed environments.
  • Between Windows and Linux instances
  • NO Wait. Backup and Restore in Parallel
  • NO Intermediate Storage Needed


Updated - April 28, 2019

Cloud Friendly

Cloud storages, such as AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, etc., are more and more popular for backup storage. With GABR, you can backup database to, or restore database from ASW S3 for now. We will support more as clients request.

  • Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Ali OSS


Updated - April 28, 2019

Linux Supported

Since SQL Server 2017, Microsoft bring SQL Server to Linux world. GABR provides support for Linux as well. Not only backup or restore from local/share, but also could talk with GABR in Windows.

Updated - April 28, 2019

Good Performance

A frequently asked question is, why we need 3rd part Backup & Solution. One of the reasons is, GABR brings much better performance in most cases, compared to build-in backup and restore feature.     

Updated - April 28, 2019

Compression Supported

Build-in backup Compression is greatly improved since SQL Server 2008. But, in the following scenarios, GABR Compression still helps.     

  • Your SQL version is too old to support backup Compression.
  • You like multi-level Compression like Zlib.
  • You want to implement your own Compression for various reasons.
Updated - April 28, 2019

Encryption Supported

Build-in backup Encryption is improved a lot in new versions of SQL Server. But, in the following scenarios, GABR encryption helps a lot.     

  • Your SQL version is too old to support real encryption.
  • You hate keys & certs, and want simple real encryption with plain password.
  • You want to implement your own encryption for various reasons.
Updated - April 28, 2019

Old Version Supported

GABR provide supports SQL Server old versions from SQL 2000. If compression is enabled, GABR Backup is 5~10 times faster. And backup files are 5~10 times smaller.

Updated - April 28, 2019


It's sort of impossible to meet all requests with one existing application. We provide flexible, customization solutions for your special needs.

Updated - April 28, 2019


To check the GABR version execute gabr -v command and confirm that 1.0 or higher is in use.


If possible, use ascii characters, and avoid blank.

Is the local instance name which we want to backup. It's optional. By default, it's local default instance.

Connect to database by trusted connection.

Is the database user by which GABR makes the connection.

Is the password by which GABR makes the connection.

S3 Access Key. It's a must when backup to or restore from AWS S3. It's NOT supported by Special Version.

S3 Secret Key. It's a must when backup to or restore from AWS S3.It's NOT supported by Special Version.

-a=[B | R | V | C]
Is the action you want to make.

  • B Backup

  • R Restore

  • V Verify if the header or data of backup file(s) is valid.

  • C Convert to standard backup file format. It's not supported for now.

-b=[F | D | L]
Is backup type.

  • F Full backup

  • D Differential backup

  • L Log backup

Is the database name which we want to backup or restore.

Is the file name(s) which we want to backup to or restore from. It might be,

  • Regular Disk File For example, -f="C:\temp\msdb.bak"

  • AWS S3 File For example, -f="s3://BucketName/.../msdb.bak" .

  • TCP Virtual File For example, -f="tcp://" 8000 is the TCP Port which GABR instance listens in host. It's supported by Free Trail. But the max DB size is limited to 10GB, and the compressed backup is limited to 1GB.

If you want to backup to multiple files and don't care file names, there is some shortcut. For example, -f="4@C:\temp". It means we need to backup to 4 files and all files are in C:\temp folder. The filenames look like DatabaseName_N.bak.

-z=[G | B | N | A | L]
Is the compression algorithms. GZip and Zlib compression is not supported in Endpoint-to-endpoint Backup and Restore.

  • G GZip. Compression level is available. It's not supported for now.

  • B Build-in Compression

  • N No compression

  • A Automatic. It depends on SQL Server configuration item 'backup compression default'.

  • L Zlib. Compression level is available.

-Z=[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5]
Is the compression level. It's available ONLY to Zlib. Greater number means higher compression ratio, but more time and CPU resource are needed.

Is the password to encrypt backup or decrypt for restore/verify. It's not supported for now.

-o=[C | S | CS]
Is additional backup options.




-o=[R | N | RP | NP]
Is additional restore options.

  • R Recovery

  • N No Recovery

  • P Replace

Is the local TCP port which GABR listens input data stream for restore. It means, GABR runs as Restore Service.

Reserved. It's not supported for now.

Reserved. It's not supported for now.

Ref Backup in MSDN. Don't use it, if not sure. A bad value will cause serious failure.

Ref Backup in MSDN. Don't use it, if not sure.

Ref Backup in MSDN. Don't use it, if not sure.

Print version information.

Print usage, including basic syntax and samples.


You need to run BABR as administrator and provide SQL credential with enough permissions for Backup/restore.

In old Windows, such as Windows 2003 Server, there is some tricks. To get Administrator Console in Win2003 Server,

RUNAS /USER:administrator cmd.exe

  1. Full Backup of Database [TestDB] of default instance to sigle file

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=F -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\1.bak" -u=sa -p=********

  2. Full Backup of Database [TestDB] of default instance to 3 files by trusted connection

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=F -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\1.bak,c:\temp\2.bak,c:\temp\3.bak" -e
    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=F -d=TestDB -f="3@c:\temp" -e

  3. Differential Backup of Database [TestDB] of instance SQL2000 to sigle file

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=D -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\1.bak" -u=sa -p=******** -i="SERVER\SQL2000"

  4. Compression(build-in) Log Backup of Database [TestDB] of default instance

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=L -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\1.bak" -e -Z=B

    * Log Backup means, DB should be in FULL/Bulk-Logged Recovery Mode.

    * Build-in Compression is only available in SQL Server 2008 or above.

  5. Compression(Zlib with CompressionLevel=4) Log Backup of Database [TestDB] of default instance

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=F -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\1.bak" -u=sa -p=******** -Z=L -z=4

  6. Full Backup of Database [TestDB] of default instance with CHECKSUM and COPY_ONLY

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=F -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\1.bak" -u=sa -p=******** -o=CS

    * COPY_ONLY may not be supported some old SQL Server versions, such as SQL 2000 and SQL 2005.

  7. Full Backup Database [TestDB] to remote instance

    Step 1 - Start Restore Service by TCP-8080 in Remote Instance

    [AppPath]>gabr -l=8080 -u=sa -p=********

    Step 2 - Start Full Backup

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=F -d=TestDB -f="tcp://IP:8080" -u=sa -p=********

    * If DB has already existed in remote instance, it will get replaced.

    * Compression is NOT supported for now. Will be supported very soon.

  8. Full Backup of Database [TestDB] to AWS S3

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=B -b=F -d=TestDB -f="s3://BucketName/temp/1.bak" -u=sa -p=******** -k=S3Key -s=S3Secret

    * It's NOT supported by Special Version.

    * Bucket must be ready.

  9. Restore Database [TestDB] from AWS S3

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=R -b=F -d=TestDB -f="s3://BucketName/temp/1.bak" -u=sa -p=******** -k=S3Key -s=S3Secret

  10. Verify Backup

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=V -f="c:\temp\1.bak" -u=sa -p=********

  11. Verify Backup in multiple files

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=V -d=TestDB -f="4@c:\temp" -z=L -u=sa -p=********

    Note, (1) When using shortcut-format file names for Verify or Restore, such as 4@c:\temp, we need provide the name of original database name. Otherwise, gabr can NOT find the correct files. (2)If customized compression is enable when backup, -z=L is need for Verify or Restore

  12. Restore by Full Backup of Database [TestDB]

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=R -b=F -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\1.bak" -u=sa -p=********

  13. Restore by Differential Backup of Database [TestDB] with NORECOVERY

    [AppPath]>gabr -a=R -b=D -d=TestDB -f="c:\temp\2.bak" -u=sa -p=******** -O=N


GABR for Win X64

For Windows Server 2008 R2 or above, you should use this version.

Size: 19,216,290 bytes

MD5: 4C141384CED14118C3A25F7D20FF834A

SHA1: 2DC1618DA490C8D8A6E496B878A1CD17239AADD7

SHA256: 1D6750EA982081021801D7BA9E59080BF03B2F6D9E6E8A826D3D227BACF67CC2

SHA512: D34E5BCAE906ADCAEC5D966E18261928C493596B1078A30A529B9DBD6142C866DB18F5EADC27B80F65F79CAB7CCC207AEC63D2935BB778A2779215CF43D20E88

Updated - April 28, 2019

GABR for Win Special

For some old Windows versions, such as WinXP, Win 2003 Server x64, etc.

Size: 100,722 bytes

MD5: 5CDCCD41AA4FDB639664F71BA69E42B4

SHA1: 669B5361C3A58F5634B649E04541927838DFEDF9

SHA256: 4309FFFE8E1AD81C2CD17519C2DF9C667056FD61ECA40B30B9F37E7A43FDE87B

SHA512: 87776B03DF5B67949CA0584CC5FDD4D67F3BBE5C8B82797C943D6EDF8881D7FDD1CC6E2C1834745FF096B0406AB08D6BE858F553A9CB4031F869CB0DFF0436CA

Updated - April 28, 2019

GABR for Linux x64

It's tested in Redhat/Centos 7.

Size: 1,304,652 bytes

MD5: C351A37D240B81145635DEE57A0D4A00

SHA1: 77158DAA38B00C894B8D16F8D0503301F3AD7356

SHA256: 3123ED20F430328DE1255C092FA811B3A8C8BDF70D56FC6CB6B37B1F2E4A2365

SHA512: 37E925341090BAC0CD37B175DDC2D4596DCBFB04E80A33D87F6F99B54677952322D78AD92767CEF99672CD7596F188A6BE60C1DE3599A96FDC7A874DEED67B14

Updated - May 21, 2019


100 %

GABR v1.0 for Win X64 Special


88 %

Website & Mail System Build


100 %

GABR v1.0 for Win X64


100 %

GABR v1.0 for Linux X64


20 %

Azure Blob Storage Support


10 %

Google Cloud Storage Support



April 2019
Hello, The World.

GABR goes public, together with new web site and mail system.


What's the Limitation on free Trial?

Free Trial is licensed only in non-prod environment for evaluation purpose. It might have limitation on expire Date, Size, Function and Performance.

Does GABR support AWS RDS instance?

E2E Backup & Restore needs special permissions, while AWS RDS does not provide the full control. So, unfortuately, it does NOT support AWS RDB instance.

Does GABR support AWS EC2 Instance?

Yes, it does. Actually, it works well as long as we have full control(permission) of the host, wherever it is.

Is GABR E2E faster than other solutions?

It depends on the network between source and target servers. Remember to enable backup compression if your SQL Server version supports it.

Why GABR E2E doesn't support customized compression?

(1) Generally, build-in compression has good balance between compression ratio and speed. (2) About old SQL versions which don't support compression, we can not provide full functions, considering market & resource. (3) If really needed, please contact us for customization solution.

Why I didn't see much improvement?

It might be caused by some hardware bottle-neck, such as storage, network, etc. Please contact for the further support as needed.

Does GABR support Microsoft, Google, and Ali Cloud?

Microsoft Blob Storage and Google Cloud Storage are not supported for now. But they are in sight. The priority depends how many requests we get. About Ali OSS, Alibaba claims it supports AWS API well. So, it might work or needs small changes. We didn't any test yet.

Why GABR acts as CLR SP in some cases, but executable file in others?

GABR is not static project, but a highly flexible and customizable one. It means different distributions available to serve our clients. We don't publish CLR version for they are unsafe assembly. It might bring secure concerns.

Does special version works in new Windows platform?

It might work, but no guarantee, since Windows APIs are changed a lot. The special version use old version APIs which may not work well in new Windows versions.

How can I see more demos?

For great Chicago area, please schedule a domo

Why GABR for Linux runs into issue?

Please make sure (1) SQL Server ODBC Driver 17 and its dependencies are installed (2) AppFolder is covered by LD_LIBRARY_PATH (3) the user has necessary permission. We suggest to run it as mssql.

How to buy GABR?

Please download free trial in non-prod environment for evaluation purpose, and join newsletter for the update. IF needed, please contact for full-function version.


Let us know your feedback, questions, thoughts or expectations on GABR. Your points do make difference.


2588 Leach Dr
Naperville, IL, US


Text 773-456-6132